Child Safety Fair Tuesday in Bradford

On Wednesday, June 2nd Safe Kids McKean will host “Ride Safe, Bradford Child Safety Fair’ at the CARE for Children offices on 20 Russell Boulevard from 3pm to 6pm.

There will be car seat safety inspections, bicycle safety and helmet fittings, fire prevention activities, and other summer safety give-aways and information.

The Pennsylvania State Police, Kane Barracks will have certified technicians available to provide on-site child safety seat inspections and education from 3pm to 5pm.

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for children age 3 to 6 and 8 to 14. In 2007, 6,532 passenger vehicle occupants 14 and younger were involved in fatal crashes.

“It’s the responsibility of every parent and caregiver out there to make sure their children are safely restrained – every trip, every time,” said Corporal Robert J. Clinger of the Pennsylvania State Police Kane Barracks. “We are urging everyone to get their child safety seats inspected. When it comes to the safety of a child, there is no room for mistakes.”

Safe Kids McKean will fit bicycle helmets from 4pm to 5:30pm and also hand out bike and pedestrian safety information.

The Hazard House will be on site along with the Bradford City Fire Department to highlight fire prevention and home safety. Information on Safe Kids McKean free Smoke Detector Program will also be available.

The MOMS Club of Bradford will be providing refreshments for Safe Kids!

This event is free and open to the public. For more information on the event please call CARE for Children or visit


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