Luncheon Honors BRMC’s Volunteers,
Awards Three Student Scholarships

By George Nianiatus, senior writer/media manager
Marketing and Communications Department
Upper Allegheny Health System

Bradford Regional Medical Center (BRMC) volunteers, many who also serve as members of Bradford Hospital Auxiliary, were honored Thursday during the Annual Recognition Luncheon at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford.There are 220 volunteers serving the hospital through Volunteer Services or the Auxiliary.

Also at the luncheon, three scholarships were awarded by the Auxiliary and Bradford Hospital Foundation.

After thanking all the volunteers for their dedicated support of BRMC, Timothy J. Finan, President and CEO of the hospital and parent company Upper Allegheny Health System, said there have been many positive developments in the past six months since integrating with Olean General Hospital.

"We're making great progress," Mr. Finan said, indicating he's also impressed with BRMC's breadth of services.

But even in a challenging environment, he said, BRMC is going to continue expanding healthcare services for the surrounding communities. This also will ensure the financial stability of the hospital.

The intent of integrating with Olean General was to "create a platform to stabilize both hospitals," Mr. Finan explained. There is no plan to have one hospital dominate the other.

By integrating, the two hospitals can "leverage strength that's inherent in numbers," he said. This will enable better bargaining power with vendors and third-party payers.

Within the past six months, BRMC has experienced rapid improvement.

More physicians have been added, including a vascular surgeon, a general surgeon, an OB/GYN and a cardiothoracic surgeon, Mr. Finan said. The hospital also has resumed performing eye surgeries.

Meanwhile, activity at BRMC's McKean County Dental Center has increased 25 percent and the 95-bed Pavilion at BRMC is almost at full census, he said.

Other improvements at BRMC include a new 32-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner, a full-field digital mammography unit and renovated suite, and a bone densitometry unit. Additionally, Bradford Recovery System's Mentally Ill Chemically Addicted (MICA) Unit is being renovated.

All these developments place BRMC in a better position to serve patients and expand services, and recruit physicians, clinical and professional talent, Mr. Finan said.

“Things are well at BRMC and they are getting better," he said.

Through it all, volunteers remain a cornerstone for the hospital.

Auxiliary President Vonda Reese said, "On behalf of the Auxiliary board, we appreciate all your support."

Mrs. Reese said the Auxiliary, which began 78 years ago, has been steadfastly supporting the hospital. Since 1953, the Auxiliary has given $225,000 in scholarships. She also referred to the Auxiliary's $300,000 pledge in 2006 which was used as a dollar-for-dollar match to encourage employees to contribute to the Capital Campaign. In fact, employee giving reached over $200,000 for the Building the Future campaign.

Last year, the Auxiliary replaced all patient televisions and pillow speakers at a $55,000 cost and purchased a glidescope for use in the Emergency Department and Surgical Services, she said.

"We have respected and nurtured our long relationship with BRMC and look forward to the future as part of Upper Allegheny Health System's family," Mrs. Reese said.

During the luncheon, two $2,000 Auxiliary scholarships were given each to Kristine Ball of Smethport and Meredith Page of Coudersport.

Ms. Ball is a full-time student at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, entering her second year toward an associate's degree in nursing. She works part time as a personal caretaker and also is involved with the university's Student Nurse Organization. She also is active in a variety of volunteer activities.

Mrs. Page is a part-time student at Jamestown Community College, entering her second year toward an associate's degree in nursing. She is involved in volunteer and club activities while raising a family and devoting time to her church and the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life.

A $1,000 Foundation scholarship, through the Doris Winship Newton Nurse

Education Fund, was awarded to Laura Rounsville of Bradford. Mrs. Rounsville is a registered nurse who has been employed in the healthcare field for over 30 years. Currently employed part time at The Pavilion at BRMC and as a clinical nursing instructor at Jamestown Community College, she is taking courses online through the University of Phoenix to pursue a doctorate in nursing. Her goal is to obtain a full-time teaching position in a nursing program, writing literature that would contribute to the healthcare community by promoting safe, competent patient care, and continuing research in the nursing field.

Anyone interested in supporting scholarships to benefit nursing and/or radiography can call 362-3200 at the Foundation, where the scholarship funds are held for the Doris Winship Newton Fund and also Bradford Hospital Auxiliary.

Stacy Williams, director of Volunteer Services and Community Relations, complimented the volunteers on their many services provided to BRMC.

She said the volunteers donated 21,753 hours to the hospital in 2009. Those volunteer hours were distributed among 20 different departments.

"Thank you for your dedication to the medical center and to our community. I look forward to working with you to develop new programs and services to benefit our patients and staff," Mrs. Williams said.

Those recognized for volunteer service were:

~~ 35 years - James Piscitelli;

~~ 25 years – Janet Detweiler;

~~ 20 years – Anna Graham, James Guelfi and William O’Donnell;

~~ 15 years – Lola Burkhart, Peg Hopkins, William Matthews, Bonnie Pagano and Janet Roll;

~~ 10 years – Terri Cook, Naomi Cornelius, Eleanor Douthit, Rev. Lynn Gatz, Carolyn Jarrett, Carla Shaffer and Doris Stoddard;

~~ 5 years – Paul Anderson, Caroline Gobbi, Marlene Kijowski, Jerry Schwab, Carolyn Shankle, Rev. Max Simms and Donna Whitford.

Pictured, scholarship recipients (from left) Laura Rounsville, Meredith Page and Kristine Ball.

Photo courtesy of BRMC


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