Major Infrastructure Projects Underway

"The volume of the work on our roads and bridges is an impressive contribution to our economy and underscores our determination to deliver results for Chautauqua County taxpayers," Edwards said.
Millions of dollars in funds from the County, along with Federal and State government funds are being invested this year to repair and improve highways and bridges.
Department of Public Facilities Director George Spanos said the continuation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded projects combined with this year's local funding represent a record investment in the County's transportation system.
Edwards added that because of the federal economic recovery package, 2010 could be, “one of the most active highway construction seasons in recent memory. Our investment in the County's infrastructure creates hundreds of construction jobs that strengthens our economy, improves road safety, and keeps our infrastructure in good condition."
2010 Chautauqua County key construction projects include:
Work on 14 bridge and culvert projects:
• CB 37 on Route 93 in the Town of Hanover will be replaced
• CB 815 on Ramsey Road in the Town of North Harmony will be replaced
• CB 929 on Cemetery Road in the Town of Stockton will be replaced
• CB 67 on County Route 58 in the Town of Chautauqua will be replaced
• CB 154 on County Route 7 in the Town of Mina will be replaced
• CB 1095 on Meadows Road in the Town of Chautauqua will be rehabilitated
• CB 854 on County Route 72 in the Town of Villenova will be replaced
• CB 864 on County Route 35 in the Town of Harmony will be replaced
• CB 1011 on Hanson Road in the Town of Gerry will be replaced
• CB 1101 on Chestnut Street in the Town of Dunkirk will be rehabilitated
• CB 1039 on Risley Street in the Village of Fredonia will be replaced
• CB 986 on Shumla Road in the Town of Pomfret will be replaced
• CB 1079 Utilities relocation on Sprague Street in the City of Jamestown will be initiated in 2010 and continue with bridge replacement in 2011.
Spanos said thirteen additional bridges will be painted under the Federal Preventive Maintenance program.
Highway work will also include many miles of road resurfacing. Spanos said the Road Resurfacing program is a long-term capital improvement plan that is based upon an objective engineering determination.
"It would obviously be impractical and financially prohibitive to resurface every county owned road at the same time," Spanos said. "Therefore, determination of road resurfacing projects is based in large part on an annual evaluation of the road's condition."
Under the Shared Services program, County and Town forces will surface treat over 170 miles of road throughout the County.
The landings for the Bemus-Stow Ferry in the Towns of Ellery and North Harmony will also be improved during the 2010 construction season.
Safety is the DPF's #1 priority, and to that end, they ask everyone to please abide by the posted speed limit in work zones and be cautious whenever entering construction areas.
For more information on the Chautauqua County construction program, please call the DPF office at 661-8400.
Pictured, from left, District Supervisor Mike Borysoff, Chautauqua County Executive Greg Edwards, Supervisor Laurence Edwards, Department of Public Facilities Director George Spanos.
Photo courtesy of Edwards' office