Willoughby to Share Weight Loss Story Saturday
In the past 7 years, Bradford’s Justin Willoughby has lost 570 lbs. At age sixteen, Justin weighed a remarkable 800 lbs. Now, at 23, he’s weighing in around 230 lbs.
This Saturday night, Justin will be sharing his weight-loss story during a live-taping session at 8:00 PM at Open Arms Community Church. Justin will share two versions of his story- one suited for a school audience and one geared towards a church setting. The messages will be recorded and become part of a press kit, to help Justin book speaking engagements across the U.S., which is part of his dream.
“I would really like to go around inspiring and challenging people to overcome their issues, especially in the area of weight loss,” Willoughby says, “And becoming healthy overall.”
Justin has spoken throughout the region in Bradford, Olean, Salamanca, Wellsville, Houghton, Dubois and Brookville.
“I haven’t yet had the opportunity to speak at many sites nationally,” Justin comments. “But I’d love to inspire more people in different states and even different countries.”
Josh Hatcher, who has aided Justin with his website, as well as other video and media resources seconds the reasoning behind the event. "Justin has been working so hard to develop his speaking talents, and he's already spoken at quite a few events across the region. What we really want to do is help him break in to the national arena, so that he can inspire more people, and achieve his dream of making this a full time career."
"With an article due to come out in Guideposts Magazine this summer, it sets Justin up for a lot of exposure. We're hoping this could set him up to get in churches, schools, and other speaking venues across the country, so that he can do what he's always wanted to do-- inspire people to get healthy, and to reach for their dreams."
As far as Saturday’s taping, Justin says that the audience “can expect to hear my story, to hear where I've been and how I was able to overcome it. They can expect to be challenged and inspired, share my life with me for an evening and have the opportunity to hear what I'm going to do next.”
There is no charge for the event on Saturday. Anyone interested in more information can contact Josh Hatcher, Larry Petry, or Justin Willoughby. There is also a Facebook event page, “Justin Willoughby- Live Taping”.