Zook Motors Sponsors 'Resusci Anne'Gift

Sue Zook Wilson, owner of Zook Motors, Inc. learned about the program and worked with KCH's Director of Nursing Pam Bray, RN to secure the gift, valued at $1,500, for Kane Community Hospital. Zook Motors became the sponsoring dealership for this gift.
In presenting the CPR unit, which is essential for CPR training, Matt Rhodes, Western Regional Manager of the Pennsylvania Automotive Association, Pennsylvania Truck Dealers said, "if the right kind of treatment can be given to a heart attack victim within seconds after he or she is stricken, the chances are good that a life can be saved. CPR training teaches emergency professionals, as well as ordinary citizens, how to keep the heart beating while waiting for help to arrive."
KCH generally offers four, CPR classes per year training all hospital personnel with patient contact, both at the hospital and in physician offices. Certification is needed every two years, about 60 people each year. ACLS courses are provided using in-house instructors. ACLS is also renewed every two years and required for nurses in the OR, ER, ICU and supervision,between 15-20 each year.

We consider this gift an opportunity for KCH to continue the gifting to the public."
Since the massive involvement of training in CPR, there has been an increase in long-term survivors from ventricular fibrillation. There are many cases where the training is given showing that many heart attack victims who otherwise die have been saved and returned to normal activities. The training takes from three to five hours of intensive practice and lectures.
This state of the art CPR unit gives signals letting trainees know when they are applying the right pressure in the right spot or breathing correctly into the victim's mouth. With training, emergency personnel learn or are reminded of the "feel" of giving quick lifesaving emergency treatment. This gift replaces much older equipment.
Zook Motors, Inc. is a Ford-Mercury dealership located in Kane with an outstanding reputation for customer service. In business since 1925, Zook Motors has won the prestigious President's Award eight times. "Zook Motors is a community partner in every sense, fully engaged in leveraging their resources and connections to provide support for their community and we are grateful for all they do," noted CEO J. Gary Rhodes.
The National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation (NADCF) is part of the National Automobile Dealers Association with headquarters in McLean, VA. Its membership includes over 19,000 franchised new car and truck dealers in the U.S. including Zook Motors, Inc. of Kane.
Pictured, Matt Rhodes,Western Regional Manager, Pennsylvania Automotive Association, PA Truck Dealers presented Resusci Anne to the Hospital. Accepting the gift for KCH are Chelise Biel, RN, BSN, CEN; J. Gary Rhodes, CEO; Bobbie Anderson, RN, BSN, CEN, with Sue Zook Wilson, owner of Zook Motors, Inc.
Photo and information courtesy of Kane Community Hospital