ANF Gets Ready for Rainbows

The primary concern for the gathering is the health and safety of area residents, forest employees, and Rainbow Family gathering attendees.
“This team, working in partnership with the Forest, will help ensure a safe and successful gathering for all parties involved,” stated Forest Supervisor Leanne Marten. “We realize the impacts to the communities and services resulting from a gathering of this size and we will strive for positive outcomes from this event,” added Marten.
The Rainbow Family is a loose-knit group of people from diverse backgrounds who gather annually on a national forest for a celebration of peace during the July 4th holiday, when the gathering reaches peak attendance of up to 10,000 people. Following the holiday, the attendance rapidly declines. These gatherings have been held annually since 1972. The Rainbow Family has held previous national gatherings on the forest in 1986 and 1999 and a smaller regional gathering in 2007.
The forest and NIMT staff includes a contingent of resource specialists, information officers and law enforcement personnel. Forest resource specialists are working with Rainbow Family members to protect water resources by properly locating cooking areas and sanitary facilities. They are identifying sensitive plant and animal communities and cultural sites so that people can avoid these areas and lessen impacts.
Law enforcement personnel, including K9 and horse units, are on hand and working cooperatively with state and local law enforcement officers to help protect the public interests including health and safety, and the protection of resources and improvements on National Forest System lands.
The gathering is located in the Queen Creek area of the forest on the Bradford Ranger District in southwestern Warren County.
Pictured, Rainbow Family member “Maverick” posting messages to the Message Board at the gathering site.
Photo courtesy of the ANF
The meeting will take place in Sheffield, Pennsylvania at the "Lions Den" ...the local lions club hall. 4 W Main St Sheffield, PA 16347
The purpose of a town hall meeting is for participants in the Rainbow Gathering and the local community to talk, ask/answer questions, and address concerns.
This is an open meeting. We strongly encourage all individuals in the communities surrounding the gathering to come meet with us and ask what ever questions are on your mind.