Dr. George Evans, left, congratulates Rachel Britton, one of the recipients of the Harry Lasky Scholarship, as Bradford Public Schools Foundation President Bill Chapman looks on. Other recipients are Cheyene Werts-Nolan, Marissa McLaughlin, Tyler Winner and Jing Dong.

Ann Keane hugs a recipient of one of the Zachary P. Vigliotta Memorial Scholarships, as Pat Vigliotta announces another recipient. Receiving scholarships were Brett Murphey, Richard Obermyer, Brittni Wiseman, Mary Bean, Tate Slaven, Evan Frisina, Angela DiFonzo, Dave "Pug" Fuhrma and Michael Marasco.

Hilary Digel and Chelsey Colosimo perform "What is This Feeling?"

Dave Fuhrman congratulates Brett Murphey on receiving his accounting certificate.
All the students mentioned above, and many others, received multiple awards and/or scholarships.