Noxious Weed Found in Smethport

Redding said the main infestation is localized to a two-mile radius of Smethport Borough, Keating Township and adjoining municipalities, and is related to the dredging of Hamlin Lake and the distribution of the fill material to local properties. Small isolated populations of the weed have been found elsewhere in McKean County and in Cameron, Elk and Potter counties.
A legume, goatsrue is about 4-5 feet tall at maturity with 8-inch pinnate leaves with smaller leaflets and 20-50 purple to white flowers. Flowering begins in June and each flower produces a one- to two-inch pod with mustard colored seeds.

Redding added that if landowners find any flowering plants, they cut the plants down to ground level to keep them from reseeding. Contact the Agriculture department field technician at 814-414-7680 to report the infestation or leave a message on the toll-free noxious weed hotline at 1-877-464-9333.
Goatsrue grows best in moist areas in full sun. It can be found along irrigated waterways, cropland, pastures, fence lines, roadways and wet, marshy areas.