Senator Ward Unveils 'Jennifer's Law'

State Senator Kim Ward calls the bill calls "Jennifer's Law," for 30-year-old Jennifer Daugherty.
The proposal would make it illegal for someone to witness a violent crime and fail to report it to police.
"It is heartbreaking to think of what Jennifer went through, and the fact that one phone call to police might have put an end to these cruel crimes," Ward said. “Sometimes society has to compel people to do the right thing. This legislation is aimed at preventing further tragedies."
Daugherty was tortured for several days before being stabbed to death and her body dumped in a parking lot. Two of the six people accused in her death are facing the death penalty.
Ward also expressed her concern that housing shelters are not screening guests for criminal backgrounds. Daugherty met some of the defendants at a homeless shelter. One of the defendants in the case had a Protection from Abuse order against him.
Pictured, Senator Kim Ward announces legislation that would establish a legal obligation for witnesses of a violent crime to contact law enforcement. On hand was the family of Westmoreland County murder victim Jennifer Daugherty.
Photo and info provided by Senate Republican Communications