'Vig' Run/Walk Leads to Nine Scholarships
On Tuesday, Vigliotta presented scholarships bearing his son’s name to members of the Bradford Area High School Class of 2010.
“It’s pleasure to be up here and an honor to be able to remember Zach nine years later,” an emotional Vigliotta said.
He said the scholarship is named after Zach “to honor his characteristics and to recognize the lives he touched.”
“It’s really an honor and pleasure to be here nine years later and to know that he’s touching that many people, still,” Vigliotta said.
Money for the scholarships is raised through the annual “Vig” Memorial 5K Run/Walk. Vigliotta said because of the wonderful turnout for last summer’s event, he was able to award nine scholarships this year.
This first eight scholarships went to Brett Murphey, Richard Obermyer, Brittni Wiseman, Mary Bean, Tate Slaven, Evan Frisina, Angela DiFonzo and David “Pug” Fuhrman.
Vigliotta got choked up again before presenting the last scholarship and said his son would have been honored to be present for this.
“We all face some difficult times in our life,” Vigliotta said. “This young gentleman helped me face some of them and come out stronger. I look forward to seeing what he can accomplish in his life. Michael Marasco.”
This year’s “Vig” Memorial 5K Run/Walk is scheduled for July 31. You can find more information about the event here: http://www.zachvigliotta.com/VIG2010.pdf
Pictured, Vigliotta hugs Michael Marasco as Zach's grandmother Ann Keane looks on.