ARG Announces Biogas Engine Oils

American Refining Group has announced the addition of Biogas Engine Oils to its line of Brad Penn Lubricants.

Brad Penn Biogas Engine Oils are premium quality stationary gas engine oils with enhanced alkalinity reserve designed for use in applications where fuel gas is generated from anaerobic digestion of manure, compost and/or landfill residue.

Ken Tyger, ARG technical service representative, says the Brad Penn Biogas Engine Oils were formulated and tailored specifically to service stationary internal combustion engines, modified to run where methane is generated.

He says an engine oil was needed with specific chemistry and characteristics to neutralize the acid produced and to protect engines from damage.

Ben Postles from Penn England Farms, an 1,800 cow dairy farm in Williamsburg, was among the first farms to use the Brad Penn Bio as Engine Oils in the farms digester engine.

“We have doubled our oil change interval with no evidence of engine wear on an engine that has over 33,000 hours of operation and on top of that it costs 40 percent less than the oil we were previously using,” Postles said. “The oil has performed better than I ever expected.”

Brad Penn Biogas Engine Oils are available in bulk, tote and 55-gallon drum containers.


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