Kane Garden Club
Hosting Tea & Garden Tour

Kane Garden Club, Kane, PA of The Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania, District VIII, will host their Tea & Garden Tour this Saturday, July 24, 2010, 1-4 p.m.
Tea will be served at the Kane Manor at 230 Clay Street, Kane.
Garden tours will be held at five gardens in Kane.
For tickets ($15 each) and tour map call Judith Lyle at 837-7897 or e-mail skipnjudi@verizon.net; or Jeanne Iannuzzi at 837-6177 or e-mail james.iannuzzi@verizon.net; or call Janet Bard at 837-9379.
The objective of the Kane Garden Club is the advancement of gardening, the development of home grounds, the furthering of city beautification, and aiding in the protection of forests, wildflowers and birds.
The proceeds of this tour benefit the many beautification projects of the Club including the Florence Newcomer Memorial nature sanctuary in Evergreen Park, Evergreen Park Urns, Soldiers' Memorial, the Children's Garden Plot and uptown Kane Planters, Lutheran Home plantings, and the annual bulb planting that takes place throughout the Kane Area each fall.