Tickets Available for “Grace and Glorie”

Under the direction of Diane Kerner Arnett, the duo will bring to life the funny and poignant friendship between 90-year-old Grace, an independent mountain woman, and 40-something Glorie, a transplanted city slicker with an MBA degree from Harvard.
Playwright Tom Zeigler draws the collision between these women’s very different lives with a humorous hand and genuine respect. Grace is determined to face death the way she has lived, while hospice volunteer Glorie is equally determined to show Grace a “better” way.
When Glorie first visits the “granny cottage” where Grace is spending her final days, Grace can’t quite understand why the woman is there. She first tells Glorie: “listen, honey, I don’t mean to be undriendly, but whatever it is you’re sellin’, I’m sure I’m was past needin’ it.” After Glorie tries to explain, Grace remarks: “You volunteer to help people die. Is this some sort o’ Yankee custom I never heard about?”
The production show is being done with full sets, costumes and technical effects, but with “scripts near hand.”
Curtain times are 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 8 and 9, and 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 10. Tickets are now available at Ott & McHenry Pharmacy, Tina’s Hallmark, Graham Florist and Smith’s store, all in Bradford. Cost is $8 for advance tickets; $10 at the door; and a discount of $2 at the door for seniors and students.
“Many people have said they are interested in performing but either do not have the traditional six-week rehearsal time or do not know if they can memorize a full-length script. So, this is BLT’s attempt to meet those people’s needs,” Arnett said. “Last year, we offered a one-act done in a similar way for One Book Bradford, and were very warmly received, so we forged ahead with a two-act play.”
In addition, a brand-new portable lighting and sound system will be used so that “Grace and Glorie” can be performed throughout the season at other venues throughout the region at the request of clubs or schools.
The McKean County Visiting Nurse and Hospice program will have information available at the show.
While this is her first major role with BLT, Bryant appeared in BLT’s Senior Theatre program two years ago, and has worked in various capacities backstage for Kiwanis Kapers, BLT and various college and high school performances. Bryant is also a BLT board member responsible for the newsletter.
Garris, current BLT president, has acted in various BLT productions, including Mama in Waiting for MacArthur and Sabrina in “The Tempest.” She is best-known locally for directing BLT’s “A Christmas Story” and “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” and for producing and co-directing “Nunsense,” “The Mousetrap,” “War of the Worlds” and “This Day and Age.” She also designed the sets for most of those productions and others by BLT.
Crew members are Nancy Coder, costumes and set dressing; Tom Palz, master carpenter; Pam Gaffney, props; and Anne Holliday and Dan Griffin, sound and lights.
For more information, people may check the website at
The play is by arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.