Cathy Young Announces Re-Election Bid

“It has been an honor and privilege to represent the people of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus, Allegany and part of Livingston counties, and fight for tax relief, more jobs, and responsible and accountable government. I have been proud to stand up on behalf of our communities against the New York City special interests that have an iron grip on all of state government right now. We have an opportunity to break that grip so that we can have a brighter future,” she said.
“Revitalizing the economy must be made the number one priority in Albany. I have a detailed plan that will grow jobs and is a commitment to helping our hardworking, overburdened taxpayers. It includes rolling back stifling taxes, capping and cutting property taxes while giving mandate relief to schools and local governments, reforming the incredibly expensive Medicaid program, enacting a Constitutional spending cap, eliminating bureaucratic red tape, and creating tax credits as incentives for new jobs,” Senator Young said.
Restoring balance between Upstate and Downstate is crucial during this election year, she said.
“Unfortunately, Downstate seized control of the Senate in 2008, with disastrous results. Over the past two years, the Governor, Assembly Speaker and Senate leaders all were from New York City, and they put their agenda above the good of the taxpayers and the economic health and well-being of the entire state,” Senator Young said.
“Their out-of-control taxes and irresponsible spending has put our economic recovery further behind. One party rule out of New York City doesn’t work, and we need to restore checks and balances so that we can turn the direction of the state around. I believe that positive change will happen this election, and we will gain back the majority in the Senate. Upstate, the taxpayers and our economy will be the big winners,” she said.
Senator Young voted against Albany’s $14 billion in tax hikes and $14 billion spending increases over the past two years. She also fought against the job-killing, anti-Upstate legislation that was forced through the Senate.
“Their outrageous taxes and fees have cost the average family of four more than $5,000 over the past two years at a time when people can least afford it. They piled taxes on clothing, utilities, and health insurance policies. They took away homeowners’ STAR rebate checks that helped them with suffocating property taxes. Instead of cutting wasteful spending, those who currently control Albany increased state spending by more than seven times the rate of inflation. They really hurt families and senior citizens on fixed incomes, and it was a terrible thing for them to do,” she said.
“These New York City controlled-Senators also placed heavy taxes and regulations on small businesses and manufacturers. Last year alone, our state lost nearly 300,000 jobs. Instead of making it harder to do business in New York State, Albany should be focused on getting people back to work and making it a friendlier environment for the private sector so they can grow the economy. We need career opportunities so our young people don’t have to leave after graduation to find a job. With the right policies in place, we can make positive changes,” she said.
Senator Young is only one of five incumbent Senators endorsed by Unshackle Upstate, a bipartisan coalition of over 80 business and trade organizations representing upwards of 70,000 companies and employing more than 1.5 million people. According to Executive Director Brian Sampson, the organization is focused on "finding the best people possible to help us give Upstate a greater voice in fixing the fiscal issues New York faces." Unshackle Upstate lauded Senator Young for her perfect voting record of supporting taxpayers 100 percent of the time, and rated her as one of the top Senators in the state.
She has won the endorsement of the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), the state’s leading advocacy group for small businesses. “Cathy Young has been a staunch defender of small business in the Legislature. We look forward to continuing to work with the Senator to reduce New York’s sky-high cost of doing business and improve our economy. Cathy Young is an experienced leader who gets results and we need her back in Albany to keep up that fight,” said NFIB/New York State Director Mike Elmendorf.
Senator Young was named to the New York State Farm Bureau Circle of Friends for her “superior voting record on issues”, showing strong support for the New York farm industry during the 2010 state legislative session. “Senator Young has demonstrated an understanding of the important issues impacting farmers and the considerable impact the industry has on our economy and quality of life,” said President Dean Norton.
Cathy Young also was named a “Hero of Reform” by New York Uprising, a non-partisan, independent coalition that advocates for meaningful government reform. Its mission is to put an end to corruption in Albany and reinstate the public’s faith in government by offering real, honest and sensible solutions.
According to Senator Young, who is running on the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines, “The past two years have been a time of frustration and disappointment, with bad budgets and legislation being forced through by those who currently control Albany, but I am more committed than ever to turning our state around.
“With the right policies in place, we can make New York State a more affordable place to live, work and do business. We can keep our most precious resource, our children, by having jobs available right here. We can get people back to work, and alleviate the heavy taxes that are driving people and companies out of our state. I am going to continue fighting for hope, opportunity and prosperity,” Senator Young said.