Council Approves Sale of Two Properties

WESB/WBRR News Director

During a meeting that lasted about six minutes, Bradford City Council approved sales of two properties currently in the McKean County Tax Claim Repository.

Council approved the sale of 31 South Kendall Avenue to Russell and Wendy Persing, and the sale of 437 South Avenue to Marvin Race.

Also Tuesday, Council accepted a bid from Stryker EMS Equipment for ambulance equipment. Stryker’s bid was $42,069.97. The other bid was from Boundtree Medical LLC at $58,276.25.

The money comes from an Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency, and will go toward the purchase of three cots and one stair chair.

Council also accepted a bid of $19,167 from CILS Incorporated to buy a washer and dryer for firefighter turn out gear. This money is also from a federal grant.

Council rejected all bids received for ventilator/respirators because the bid packets they received did not have the required documentation. The city will re-advertise to accept bids.

In other matters, council renewed its lease agreements with Orris Jewelers and The Guidance Center at 62 Main Street.

Council authorized the Office of Economic and Community Development to advertise for architectural/engineering proposals for the Kessel Athletic Complex Recreational Improvement Project.

Council also authorized payments of $8,002 to Rustick LLC for tipping fees from October 1 to 15; $1180 to Galls for work shirts for firefighters; $501 to GRM Sales East Inc. for repairs to Tower 1; $1,749 to D&D Distributing for various types of work gloves for the Streets and Refuse Department; $689 to Winter Equipment Company Inc. for plow parts; $1,407 to Gall’s for uniform items and equipment for the police department; and $1056 to Sandburg Oil Co. for oil used in Streets and Refuse vehicles.

Also Tuesday, city resident Brad Mangel who, at earlier meetings, expressed his concern about the poor television reception from Atlantic Broadband, told council he has noticed an improvement.

“Complaints do work sometimes,” he said.

(Note: Ironically, right after I typed this, I turned on the TV to find no signal from channels 2,4,7 and 8. Go figure.)


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