KCH's Volunteer Chaplains Meet Spiritual
Needs of Patients, Families and Staff

Director of Planning & Communications
Kane Community Hospital
“This month Kane Community Hospital celebrates a twelve-year partnership with area ministers for the spiritual care of our patients," stated KCH Director of Nursing Pam Bray, RN at a breakfast for KCH’s Volunteer Chaplains on Friday.
CEO J. Gary Rhodes thanked the chaplains and shared the latest KCH news on Hamot affiliation, and on new specialty care en route to KCH over the next two months.
The Volunteer Chaplain Program, which began at KCH on November 1, 1998, is a joint effort of the Kane Area Ministerial Association and Kane Community Hospital. “It was created to recognize that the healing process is multifaceted, and that frequently, if healing is to occur, spiritual needs must also be met,” Bray notes.
The purpose of the Volunteer Chaplain Program is to provide spiritual care on an “on-call” basis, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for crisis situations, emergency needs and end-of-life and terminal care situations where an individual or a family system is challenged.
This is an important service to our patients and their families.
After crisis intervention, appropriate referrals are made for follow-up to local congregations or pastors, or to chaplains at a transfer facility if the patient requires transfer. In addition, support is also available to our hospital staff as we cope with these difficult situations.
At KCH we realize the importance of integrating the spiritual component in our delivery of health care. The chaplains are an integral part of our healthcare team and have received orientation to hospital policies.
With the help of our chaplains we also hold services for our staff such as the "Blessing of the Hands" ceremony and holiday services. We are proud of the mutually beneficial and growing relationship we have with area pastors.
“On behalf of the hospital, I would like to publicly recognize and thank our Volunteer Chaplains: Theodore Benson, David Pfleiger, Phillip Pinczewski and Craig Smith. We also look forward to welcoming Pastor William LaVelle to our volunteer chaplain team this month,” Bray added. “These pastors hold regular meetings and sign up to be on call to serve our patients, families and staff. They are truly a valuable part of our healthcare team at KCH and we are most grateful for their service.”
Pictured, KCH Volunteer Chaplain Breakfast attendees include (l-r) Craig Smith, CEO Gary Rhodes, David Pfleiger, Director of Nursing Pam Bray, RN, Theodore Benson, and Phillip Pinczewski.
Courtesy of KCH
