City Millage Rate Cut by Half;
Council Looking to Cut More
WESB/WBRR News Director
Last month Bradford City Council was looking at 4.5 millage rate and a hefty tax increase. Tuesday, they learned the rate has been cut by more than half and they’re not finished cutting yet.
Earlier in the afternoon it had been cut to 2.58 but City Clerk John Peterson said that thanks to a diligent insurance agent and the efforts of the city’s employee safety committees, another $60,000 was cut out of the budget, bringing the millage rate to 2.21.
Peterson commended Sundahl Insurance and Fred Hilzinger for finding a better rate than the city had been getting for their workman’s compensation insurance. It been $213,959 and is now $151,911 for a rate reduction of 29 percent.
He thanked Hilzinger for “going the extra mile for the City of Bradford.”
Peterson added that city employees deserve a round of applause because the reduction can be directly attributed to the safety committee, headed by former Councilman Bob Onuffer, who brought safety issues to the forefront.
Mayor Tom Riel asked if Peterson literally wanted a round of applause and said, “I’ll clap for $60,000 bucks.”
Riel stressed that was only the first reading of the millage ordinance, and it will continue to be cut down before final reading on December 28. By law, council has to vote on it twice.
He said he will not vote for it the second time if the millage rate stays the same as it is now.
“If we could find $60,000 every day, we’d have it done,” Peterson said.
Councilmen Ross Neidich and Fred Proper voted against the ordinance and Riel urged them to help find ways to cut the millage rate even further.
In a related matter, Councilman Rick Benton said about $40,000 had been cut from the parks department. He explained that one employee is retiring and, instead of replacing that person, they will be hiring an extra seasonal worker in summer and winter.
WESB/WBRR News Director
Last month Bradford City Council was looking at 4.5 millage rate and a hefty tax increase. Tuesday, they learned the rate has been cut by more than half and they’re not finished cutting yet.
Earlier in the afternoon it had been cut to 2.58 but City Clerk John Peterson said that thanks to a diligent insurance agent and the efforts of the city’s employee safety committees, another $60,000 was cut out of the budget, bringing the millage rate to 2.21.
Peterson commended Sundahl Insurance and Fred Hilzinger for finding a better rate than the city had been getting for their workman’s compensation insurance. It been $213,959 and is now $151,911 for a rate reduction of 29 percent.
He thanked Hilzinger for “going the extra mile for the City of Bradford.”
Peterson added that city employees deserve a round of applause because the reduction can be directly attributed to the safety committee, headed by former Councilman Bob Onuffer, who brought safety issues to the forefront.
Mayor Tom Riel asked if Peterson literally wanted a round of applause and said, “I’ll clap for $60,000 bucks.”
Riel stressed that was only the first reading of the millage ordinance, and it will continue to be cut down before final reading on December 28. By law, council has to vote on it twice.
He said he will not vote for it the second time if the millage rate stays the same as it is now.
“If we could find $60,000 every day, we’d have it done,” Peterson said.
Councilmen Ross Neidich and Fred Proper voted against the ordinance and Riel urged them to help find ways to cut the millage rate even further.
In a related matter, Councilman Rick Benton said about $40,000 had been cut from the parks department. He explained that one employee is retiring and, instead of replacing that person, they will be hiring an extra seasonal worker in summer and winter.
