Thomas Haggie Pleads Guilty
Thomas Haggie has pleaded guilty to killing Megan Konopka and her unborn baby in September of 2009 at the Riddell House, and is expected to be sentenced to two consecutive life terms in prison without the possibility of parole.
Sentencing is scheduled for January 13 in McKean County Court.
District Attorney Ray Learn had said he was going to seek the death penalty for Haggie and his co-defendant Greggory Theobald. When the men agreed to plead guilty, Learn took the death penalty off the table.
Theobald pleaded guilty in July and is serving his time at the State Correctional Institution at Fayette.
Sentencing is scheduled for January 13 in McKean County Court.
District Attorney Ray Learn had said he was going to seek the death penalty for Haggie and his co-defendant Greggory Theobald. When the men agreed to plead guilty, Learn took the death penalty off the table.
Theobald pleaded guilty in July and is serving his time at the State Correctional Institution at Fayette.

P.S. Now The Taxpayers Have To PAY His Bills For A VERY Long Time...
P.P.S. OH! Wait A Minute... Maybe He Does Get The Last LAUGH!