Thompson Assigned to Three Committees

“These three committees will enable me to represent the Fifth Congressional District in the most effective way,” said Thompson. “For instance, I will have joint jurisdiction on the Allegheny National Forest, as the Forest itself comes under the Agriculture Committee, and the mineral resources on public lands, like the ANF, falls under the Natural Resources Committee.”
“On Resources, I will have the opportunity to share my perspective and insights on the Marcellus natural gas play with its potential to create jobs, economic development and energy independence through responsible development,” said Thompson.
The further jurisdiction of the Natural Resources Committee is extensive and includes fisheries and wildlife, reclamation projects and easements, military parks and battlefields, mining interests, mineral resources on public lands, forest reserves and national parks created from the public domain and other public lands in general.
During the present Congress, as a member of the Agriculture Committee, Thompson was active in the regulatory framework for dairy pricing, rural development and has traveled the country for field hearings in anticipation of the reauthorization Food, Conservation & Energy Act of 2008 – also known as the “Farm Bill”. “I will continue to serve on this Committee to help serve Pennsylvania’s family farmers and agricultural sector.”
In 2008, Thompson was appointed to the Small Business Committee and the Agriculture Committee. Based on his background on local school and work force investment boards, Thompson petitioned for and was granted a seat on the Education and Labor Committee. “I am looking forward to continuing to work with the Committee to restore local education control through reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind and Workforce Investment Acts.”
Generally, Members are limited to two Committees, but Thompson has been successful in his petition to serve on three.
