Assault, Theft Reported in Bradford
Bradford City Police investigated an assault on West Corydon Street and a retail theft on West Washington Street, according to the complaint report and request sheet faxed to WESB and The HERO by the police department.
Officers also got reports of found property on School Street, a traffic hazard on East Main Street, a vehicle complaint on Edna Avenue and public drunkenness on Main Street.
Police also did a number of traffic stops and received several requests to speak with an officer.
Officers also got reports of found property on School Street, a traffic hazard on East Main Street, a vehicle complaint on Edna Avenue and public drunkenness on Main Street.
Police also did a number of traffic stops and received several requests to speak with an officer.

P.S. Where ARE The 2 Other DRUGLORDS From The BIG RAID?
P.P.S. "UNC" & "DRE" from Buffalo.