Neighborhood Watch 'Interest Meeting'
Scheduled for January 27 in Bradford
Many residents and business owners have expressed interest in a sustainable, long term, relevant block watch network for the City of Bradford.
In order to have strength in numbers, Project Pride is attempting to organize a Neighborhood Watch for the City of Bradford.
A meeting will be held at 6 p.m. January 27 at the Bradford Area Public Library for anyone interested in learning, sharing and finding out how to help.
During the meeting, a representative from the City of Bradford Police Department will facilitate a discussion about Neighborhood Watches; share safety/observation tips that can be used right away; and answer residents’ questions.
The organizers are looking for input as to what people want to see in a neighborhood watch program, and are looking for people interested in participating by being a Block Captain or member of the Neighborhood Watch.
All residents in Project Pride, as well as other city residents and/or business owners, interested in participating are encouraging to attend.
In order to have strength in numbers, Project Pride is attempting to organize a Neighborhood Watch for the City of Bradford.
A meeting will be held at 6 p.m. January 27 at the Bradford Area Public Library for anyone interested in learning, sharing and finding out how to help.
During the meeting, a representative from the City of Bradford Police Department will facilitate a discussion about Neighborhood Watches; share safety/observation tips that can be used right away; and answer residents’ questions.
The organizers are looking for input as to what people want to see in a neighborhood watch program, and are looking for people interested in participating by being a Block Captain or member of the Neighborhood Watch.
All residents in Project Pride, as well as other city residents and/or business owners, interested in participating are encouraging to attend.

P.S. Anyone Remember "McGruff, The CRIME Dog" ?????
P.P.S. Bradford WON A "National Night Out" AWARD In 2009! First Ever City-wide NNO! GO FIGURE!