5th Annual Project Pride Cleanup Saturday
In conjunction with The Great American Cleanup of Pennsylvania, Project Pride residents, and community volunteers will be cleaning up litter in the Elm Street Project Pride area and Main Street.
The event will run from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm on Saturday April 30th. This effort is to remove litter and trash from the Project Pride/Elm Street Neighborhood bordered by Bennett Street, Charlotte Avenue, School Street, and Barbour Street as well as Main Street.
This is not a bulk homeowner or household waste cleanup, but a concentrated effort to remove litter and trash from the Elm Street Project Pride area and downtown.
Grace Lutheran Community Life Center, 79 Mechanic Street, will serve as cleanup headquarters and provide an area for cleanup participants to take a break, grab a light snack and pick up gloves, vests and trash bags.
“This event is a perfect activity for our newly created Neighborhood Watch; it encourages community building through personal stewardship while enhancing the level of cleanliness in our downtown. Representatives and program information will be available on the Neighborhood Watch effort as part of the event this Saturday. Last year we introduced the Project Pride Green Team and handed out t-shirts to cleanup participants. We will once again be handing out t-shirts to participants; as long as they last. Also new this year, will be drawings for gift bags donated by The Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce; everyone registering and participating in the event Saturday will be entered into the drawing. The level of participation and interest for this annual event as well as the Neighborhood Watch is very encouraging.”–Lisa Keck, Project Pride Elm Street Manager.
To sign up beforehand or for general questions please contact Lisa Keck at 368-7170 ext 111.
Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community . . . and it’s up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all
Community and civic associations, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, hunting & fishing clubs, conservation organizations, sports teams, & others can organize their members & participate in the Great American Cleanup of PA.
Since the inception of this event in 2004, over one million volunteers have picked up 54 million pounds of litter and waste, 93,000 miles of road have been cleaned, and 73,000
trees, bulbs, and flowers have been planted.
The event will run from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm on Saturday April 30th. This effort is to remove litter and trash from the Project Pride/Elm Street Neighborhood bordered by Bennett Street, Charlotte Avenue, School Street, and Barbour Street as well as Main Street.
This is not a bulk homeowner or household waste cleanup, but a concentrated effort to remove litter and trash from the Elm Street Project Pride area and downtown.
Grace Lutheran Community Life Center, 79 Mechanic Street, will serve as cleanup headquarters and provide an area for cleanup participants to take a break, grab a light snack and pick up gloves, vests and trash bags.
To sign up beforehand or for general questions please contact Lisa Keck at 368-7170 ext 111.
Everyone wants to live, work, and play in a clean and green community . . . and it’s up to everyone to make it possible and improve the overall quality of life for us all
Community and civic associations, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, hunting & fishing clubs, conservation organizations, sports teams, & others can organize their members & participate in the Great American Cleanup of PA.
Since the inception of this event in 2004, over one million volunteers have picked up 54 million pounds of litter and waste, 93,000 miles of road have been cleaned, and 73,000
