Speaker of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Sam Smith (second from right) was the keynote speaker at the McKean County Republican Party Annual Spring Dinner Thursday night. Among the issues Smith addressed was the state budget. He said the Rendell administration left the state with many budget problems, making this budget difficult. He said, when the process is finished, most people probably won't be happy "but the bottom line is: We have an opportunity to get Pennsylvania back on the right track by putting a budget into place (that has) our spending in line with our revenues. That's the first real step to getting this Commonwealth back on track. Hopefully, we won't be left sloshing around in the wake of the Rendell administration for much longer.
Listen here. Also pictured, from left, state representatives Kathy Rapp, Matt Gabler and Marty Causer. Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scarnati also attended the event as did representatives for US Senator Pat Toomey, Congressman GT Thompson and many of the people running for office in McKean County.
Smith also talked about:
~~ the House Wel-FAIR reform package. Listen
~~ Punxsutawney Phil. Listen