Remember to Voting in Fishing Town Contest
Now’s the time to “cast” your vote for Bradford as the Ultimate Fishing Town USA. The first round of voting started on Tuesday and runs until 6 p.m. May 3. Now is when local residents can brag about their community with a vote for Bradford. Your vote could help Bradford win a $25,000 community donation.
With an abundance of stocked trout streams, wild brook trout streams, the Allegheny River, Marilla Reservoir, and access from Bradford to the Allegany State Park, Bradford is a central hub for year-round fishing. Local resident, Mike Holly, captured the Walleye state record in 1980 with a 17 lb. 9 oz. prize catch. In 2003, Carl Stoltz set our second state record by reeling in a hefty 35 lb. Northern Pike while fishing on the Allegheny Reservoir.
To vote, all you have to do is log onto This takes you right to the voting page for Bradford. Click “vote now” and type in your name and e-mail address. You can vote under more than one e-mail address. When voting for the first time, you will receive an e-mail to verify your address. Each subsequent time you vote, all you have to do is log on, type in your name and e-mail address. To paraphrase former Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, this is really an election where you can “vote early and vote often.”
Each day, there are four rounds of voting. The first round of voting takes place in “Voting Block One” from 12:01 a.m. to 6 a.m. Voting Block Two runs from 6:01 a.m. to noon. Voting Block Three goes from 12:01 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Voting Block Four goes from 6:01 p.m. until midnight. Should Bradford win by “reeling” in the most votes, the money would benefit the Tuna Valley Trail Association to encourage the development and access to trails, trail towns and local recreation destinations in this region. Linda Devlin, executive director of the Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau, wrote the initial nomination. “Some of the trails in the TVTA system surround the Marilla Reservoir, one of the most popular fishing spots in the region,” she said. “Fishing and trails go hand-in-hand here. We are a premier outdoor recreation destination for those who want to forge their own trail, especially if that trail is a fishing stream.”
Towns in Pennsylvania will vie against Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New York and District of Columbia. In her nomination, Devlin noted the fishing at The Lodge at Glendorn, the Kinzua Fly-fishing School at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, as well as the many fishing opportunities throughout the region.
The Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau is the official tourist promotion agency in McKean County.
Pictured, Damon Newpher of The Lodge at Glendorn shows off one of his catches at the ORVIS-endorsed lodge in Bradford.
Photo courtesy of the ANF Visitors Bureau
With an abundance of stocked trout streams, wild brook trout streams, the Allegheny River, Marilla Reservoir, and access from Bradford to the Allegany State Park, Bradford is a central hub for year-round fishing. Local resident, Mike Holly, captured the Walleye state record in 1980 with a 17 lb. 9 oz. prize catch. In 2003, Carl Stoltz set our second state record by reeling in a hefty 35 lb. Northern Pike while fishing on the Allegheny Reservoir.
To vote, all you have to do is log onto This takes you right to the voting page for Bradford. Click “vote now” and type in your name and e-mail address. You can vote under more than one e-mail address. When voting for the first time, you will receive an e-mail to verify your address. Each subsequent time you vote, all you have to do is log on, type in your name and e-mail address. To paraphrase former Mayor Richard J. Daley of Chicago, this is really an election where you can “vote early and vote often.”
Towns in Pennsylvania will vie against Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, New York and District of Columbia. In her nomination, Devlin noted the fishing at The Lodge at Glendorn, the Kinzua Fly-fishing School at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, as well as the many fishing opportunities throughout the region.
The Allegheny National Forest Visitors Bureau is the official tourist promotion agency in McKean County.
Pictured, Damon Newpher of The Lodge at Glendorn shows off one of his catches at the ORVIS-endorsed lodge in Bradford.
Photo courtesy of the ANF Visitors Bureau
