Thompson Hails Senate Vote to Repeal
1099 IRS Reporting Requirement
Washington, D.C. – Representative Glenn ‘GT’ Thompson today issued the following statement upon Senate passage of H.R. 4, a measure repealing the authority of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to require that businesses report every expense they incur over $600. The 1099 reporting requirement was enacted as part the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the health care reform law originally passed in March of 2009 – and commonly referred to as Obamacare. The measure passed the Senate today with a bipartisan vote of 87 to 12.
“Today’s vote to repeal the 1099 IRS reporting requirement is a major victory for small businesses and job creators in the Commonwealth and across the country. The Senate made the right choice in passing this bipartisan, common sense reform, which I and so many others in the House have been working on over the last year. President Obama should promptly sign this repeal into law to avoid death by a 1000 paper cuts for Pennsylvania’s small businesses.”
Senate passage of the 1099 reporting requirement today resulted after months of bipartisan work in both chambers, where Thompson played an outspoken roll advocating repeal of the burdensome requirement. Thompson was an original cosponsor to H.R. 4, which passed the House with bipartisan support on March 3, 2011.
During the 111th Congress, Thompson co-sponsored H.R. 5141, a similar bill to repeal the 1099 portion of the health care bill and also joined with colleagues on the House Small Business Committee in sending a letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner of the IRS, expressing opposition to the mandate.
In January of 2011, Thompson voted in favor of H.R. 2, a measure fully repealing the PPACA. As a member of House Education & Workforce Committee, a key committee of jurisdiction regarding federal health care policy, Thompson continues to work in the House to advance commonsense health care reforms that reduce cost, promote choice, and improve the quality of health care delivery.
“Today’s vote to repeal the 1099 IRS reporting requirement is a major victory for small businesses and job creators in the Commonwealth and across the country. The Senate made the right choice in passing this bipartisan, common sense reform, which I and so many others in the House have been working on over the last year. President Obama should promptly sign this repeal into law to avoid death by a 1000 paper cuts for Pennsylvania’s small businesses.”
Senate passage of the 1099 reporting requirement today resulted after months of bipartisan work in both chambers, where Thompson played an outspoken roll advocating repeal of the burdensome requirement. Thompson was an original cosponsor to H.R. 4, which passed the House with bipartisan support on March 3, 2011.
During the 111th Congress, Thompson co-sponsored H.R. 5141, a similar bill to repeal the 1099 portion of the health care bill and also joined with colleagues on the House Small Business Committee in sending a letter to Douglas Shulman, Commissioner of the IRS, expressing opposition to the mandate.
In January of 2011, Thompson voted in favor of H.R. 2, a measure fully repealing the PPACA. As a member of House Education & Workforce Committee, a key committee of jurisdiction regarding federal health care policy, Thompson continues to work in the House to advance commonsense health care reforms that reduce cost, promote choice, and improve the quality of health care delivery.
