FAW 10th Anniversary Event:
Backpacking in Proposed
Tracy Ridge Wilderness Area June 11-12
In addition to containing a nine-mile segment of the spectacular North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT), Tracy Ridge also has a self-contained network of trails providing numerous options for day hikes, loops trails, and connections to the NCT.
For our hike, we will be leaving from the Tracy Ridge Campground parking lot on the morning of Saturday, June 11th and hiking down the trail along Johnnycake Run to the Allegheny Reservoir, where we will pick up the NCT and head south from there. We will camp overnight Saturday in the wild backcountry of Tracy Ridge, and return to the parking lot during the day on Sunday.
Altogether, the hike will consist of more than 14 miles on portions of the NCT and the Tracy Ridge trail system through a stunning maturing forest that cloaks this 9,700-acre gem. There will be no charge to participate, however, hikers should bring all of their own camping equipment, food, and come fully prepared for whatever weather conditions we may encounter. Allegheny Outfitters offers backpacking equipment for rent at their downtown Warren store location for those who need equipment. Allegheny Outfitters can be reached at 814-723-1203.
To register for the trip, or if you have questions or would like additional information, please contact FAW at info@pawild.org or 814-723-0620.
Pictured, Looking west at sunset across the Allegheny Reservoir from the mouth of Johnnycake Run within the proposed Tracy Ridge Wilderness Area in the Allegheny National Forest.
Photo by Kirk Johnson.
