PennDOT Work Schedule May 9-13
Ridgway/Cyclone Pa. (May 06, 2011) PENNDOT Elk/McKean County Maintenance has announced work for the week of May 09, 2011 through May 13, 2011.
CRACK SEALING- SR 153, Boone Mt.
SIGN REPAIR- Various Routes, County wide
BRIDGE REPAIRS- SR 1006, and Wilcox
DITCH CLEANING- SR 949, Portland Mills -120, Ridgway
PATCHING- SR 255 / 120, St. Marys
SIDE DOZING- SR 219, Wilcox
GUIDE RAIL REPAIR- SR 120, Ridgway/St. Marys
Maintenance work planned by McKean County employees includes:
SIGN MAINTENANCE – Various Routes, County wide
BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION – SR 1017 and 155-on going through the summer
PATCHING AND CRACK SEALING – 4001, Big Shanty – SR 0006, Kane area
SIDE DOZE- 155, Port Allegany to Potter County line
CRACK SEALING- SR 770, Bradford area
BRUSHING - Various Bridges, County wide
SR-0120/816 Ridgway Area (May 09, 2011-May 13, 2011) Glenn O. Hawbakers, Inc.
This project involves drainage upgrades, tree trimming, guide rail replacement, and roadway milling and resurfacing from Ridgway to 3.8 miles east, toward St. Marys.
The contractor is scheduled to begin roadway milling from Ridgway (Hayes Ave.) working East (towards St. Marys) through the project. Drivers will encounter milled and rough road surfaces. Work zone speed limit will be reduced in milled areas. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers and there may be multiple daylight set-ups through the project. Drivers will experience delays as traffic takes turns moving through the work zone.
PENNDOT advises drivers to obey posted speed limits and remain alert, patient and cautious through the work zone.
Work to be performed Monday through Friday during daylight hours and all operations and schedules are weather dependent.
SR-3002 / A04 Ridgway Area(May 09, 2011 – May 13, 2011) Horizon Construction Group, Inc.
This project is located on SR 3002 approximately 0.2 miles north of the Village of Halton, between Segment 0146/Offset 2422 and Segment 0150/Offset 0215 for the replacement of an existing 120” pipe (approximate length is 64 feet). Work includes pipe replacement, roadway repair, concrete end walls repairs, guide rail replacement, and for a total construction length of approximately 165 feet (0.031 miles).
The contractor is scheduled to begin work on Monday and continue throughout the week. Operations will involve placement of erosion and sediment controls, installation of construction entrances and tree removal. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers. Drivers will experience minor delays as traffic takes turns moving through the work zone. PENNDOT advises drivers to obey posted speed limits and remain alert, patient and cautious through the work zone.
Work to be performed Monday through Friday during daylight hours and all operations and schedules are weather dependent.
Route 1017 sec A01 / Otto Township / McKean Co. (May 08, 2011-May 14, 2011) Dolamite Products Co. Inc. (A.L. Blades & Sons Inc.) KNAPP CREEK BRIDGE
This contractor will be working under road closed conditions with a detour in place. No changes in traffic will be caused by the construction operations scheduled for next week.
The contractor will be forming and placing concrete for abutment 1 stem next week
SR 155 / West of Port Allegany (May 09 2011-May 13, 2011) L.C. Whitford Company, Inc.
The contractor will start construction on the temporary road.
SR 219 / Westline to Lantz Corners (May 09, 2011 – May 13, 2011) IA Construction
IA Construction of Franklin PA. will continue paving Route 219 Westline to Lantz Corners, eliminating the RR crossing on 219 in Lantz Corners-weather permitting. They will be milling on Main Street, West Center Street and Clarion Road in Johnsonburg. In St. Marys milling and patching has been scheduled on Route 120, Theresia Street to Trout Run Road.
Please be advised traffic delays are expected in these areas to complete the required road repairs. Schedule additional time when travel is planned through these areas. Be aware of signs, flaggers, stopped vehicles and workers in the construction zone. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
All work weather permitting.
Motorists can visit the PENNDOT website at and by clicking on the Statewide Construction Map for updates concerning ongoing projects.
Citizens who want to report road concerns can call PENNDOT Maintenance at 1-800-FIX-ROAD (1-800-349-7623).
CRACK SEALING- SR 153, Boone Mt.
SIGN REPAIR- Various Routes, County wide
BRIDGE REPAIRS- SR 1006, and Wilcox
DITCH CLEANING- SR 949, Portland Mills -120, Ridgway
PATCHING- SR 255 / 120, St. Marys
SIDE DOZING- SR 219, Wilcox
GUIDE RAIL REPAIR- SR 120, Ridgway/St. Marys
Maintenance work planned by McKean County employees includes:
SIGN MAINTENANCE – Various Routes, County wide
BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION – SR 1017 and 155-on going through the summer
PATCHING AND CRACK SEALING – 4001, Big Shanty – SR 0006, Kane area
SIDE DOZE- 155, Port Allegany to Potter County line
CRACK SEALING- SR 770, Bradford area
BRUSHING - Various Bridges, County wide
SR-0120/816 Ridgway Area (May 09, 2011-May 13, 2011) Glenn O. Hawbakers, Inc.
This project involves drainage upgrades, tree trimming, guide rail replacement, and roadway milling and resurfacing from Ridgway to 3.8 miles east, toward St. Marys.
The contractor is scheduled to begin roadway milling from Ridgway (Hayes Ave.) working East (towards St. Marys) through the project. Drivers will encounter milled and rough road surfaces. Work zone speed limit will be reduced in milled areas. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers and there may be multiple daylight set-ups through the project. Drivers will experience delays as traffic takes turns moving through the work zone.
PENNDOT advises drivers to obey posted speed limits and remain alert, patient and cautious through the work zone.
Work to be performed Monday through Friday during daylight hours and all operations and schedules are weather dependent.
SR-3002 / A04 Ridgway Area(May 09, 2011 – May 13, 2011) Horizon Construction Group, Inc.
This project is located on SR 3002 approximately 0.2 miles north of the Village of Halton, between Segment 0146/Offset 2422 and Segment 0150/Offset 0215 for the replacement of an existing 120” pipe (approximate length is 64 feet). Work includes pipe replacement, roadway repair, concrete end walls repairs, guide rail replacement, and for a total construction length of approximately 165 feet (0.031 miles).
The contractor is scheduled to begin work on Monday and continue throughout the week. Operations will involve placement of erosion and sediment controls, installation of construction entrances and tree removal. Traffic will be controlled by flaggers. Drivers will experience minor delays as traffic takes turns moving through the work zone. PENNDOT advises drivers to obey posted speed limits and remain alert, patient and cautious through the work zone.
Work to be performed Monday through Friday during daylight hours and all operations and schedules are weather dependent.
Route 1017 sec A01 / Otto Township / McKean Co. (May 08, 2011-May 14, 2011) Dolamite Products Co. Inc. (A.L. Blades & Sons Inc.) KNAPP CREEK BRIDGE
This contractor will be working under road closed conditions with a detour in place. No changes in traffic will be caused by the construction operations scheduled for next week.
The contractor will be forming and placing concrete for abutment 1 stem next week
SR 155 / West of Port Allegany (May 09 2011-May 13, 2011) L.C. Whitford Company, Inc.
The contractor will start construction on the temporary road.
SR 219 / Westline to Lantz Corners (May 09, 2011 – May 13, 2011) IA Construction
IA Construction of Franklin PA. will continue paving Route 219 Westline to Lantz Corners, eliminating the RR crossing on 219 in Lantz Corners-weather permitting. They will be milling on Main Street, West Center Street and Clarion Road in Johnsonburg. In St. Marys milling and patching has been scheduled on Route 120, Theresia Street to Trout Run Road.
Please be advised traffic delays are expected in these areas to complete the required road repairs. Schedule additional time when travel is planned through these areas. Be aware of signs, flaggers, stopped vehicles and workers in the construction zone. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
All work weather permitting.
Motorists can visit the PENNDOT website at and by clicking on the Statewide Construction Map for updates concerning ongoing projects.
Citizens who want to report road concerns can call PENNDOT Maintenance at 1-800-FIX-ROAD (1-800-349-7623).
