Two-Car Crash on Route 219
A Smethport man apparently fell asleep at the wheel of his car this morning on Route 219 in Elk County, causing a two-vehicle crash.
Police say a car driven by 38-year-old Scott Weimer of Smethport was traveling north in Horton Township when it crossed into the southbound lane and hit the driver’s side of a car driven by 59-year-old Lawrence Sprague of Johnsonburg.
No one was hurt. Weimer’s car had to be towed from the scene.
Police say a car driven by 38-year-old Scott Weimer of Smethport was traveling north in Horton Township when it crossed into the southbound lane and hit the driver’s side of a car driven by 59-year-old Lawrence Sprague of Johnsonburg.
No one was hurt. Weimer’s car had to be towed from the scene.
