Celebrating the Survivors
One of the most emotional parts of the American Cancer Society's annual Relay for Life is the Survivor Ceremony. Friday was no exception.
Following his speech that didn't leave a dry eye in the tent, 16-year-old cancer survivor Tyler Johnson accepts a check from fellow survivor Dorie Meabon of Kids and Cancer. Kids and Cancer helps families defray the costs of cancer and other illnesses. Their benefit motorcyle (and all street vehicle) run is July 16.
Here, some other survivors and their caregivers take a lap around the track.
Brenda Dunn
Brian and Val Abers

Here, some other survivors and their caregivers take a lap around the track.

Jon and Dorie Meabon

Melanie Luther-Shay, Tom Shay, Tony Danias, Christy Danias
During the Fretz Mini Relay the Shays' daughter Kathleen was the top money-raiser with more than $500. Tyler's sister Samantha won an essay contest, writing about how her brother is her hero.