Juveniles Keep Bradford Police Busy
Juveniles kept Bradford City Police busy late Friday and early Saturday. Officers got calls about kids loitering on Main Street and causing a disturbance on Bushnell Street. They also got complaints about juveniles on Barbour Street and another group on Main Street, according to the complaint report and request sheet.
Police looked into reports of criminal mischief on South Avenue and Pike Street, a traffic problem on Davis Street, a fight on Main Street and noise on Edna Avenue. They also got reports of a public drunk at Elm and High streets and an animal complaint at a Mechanic Street establishment.
Police looked into reports of criminal mischief on South Avenue and Pike Street, a traffic problem on Davis Street, a fight on Main Street and noise on Edna Avenue. They also got reports of a public drunk at Elm and High streets and an animal complaint at a Mechanic Street establishment.
