Busy Weekend for Bradford Police
Bradford City Police have had an eventful holiday weekend so far. They were called to investigate a theft from a vehicle on Barbour Street and an attempted break-in on Leland Avenue, according to the complaint report and request sheet.
They got calls about criminal mischief on State, Mechanic, Rochester and Williams streets; harassment on Main, Mechanic and Bushnell streets and South Avenue; and disturbances on Mill, Corydon and Potter streets and North Kendall Avenue.
Officers received calls about ATVs on Oakwood and Linwood avenues, animals at Callahan Park and Street, and juveniles on Kiwanis Court, North Kendall Avenue and Jefferson Street. They also got calls about noise on Forman and Elm streets, and were asked to remove an unwanted person from West Corydon Street.
They got calls about criminal mischief on State, Mechanic, Rochester and Williams streets; harassment on Main, Mechanic and Bushnell streets and South Avenue; and disturbances on Mill, Corydon and Potter streets and North Kendall Avenue.
Officers received calls about ATVs on Oakwood and Linwood avenues, animals at Callahan Park and Street, and juveniles on Kiwanis Court, North Kendall Avenue and Jefferson Street. They also got calls about noise on Forman and Elm streets, and were asked to remove an unwanted person from West Corydon Street.
