Speed Disply Sign on Minard Run Road
In an effort to improve highway safety, PennDOT today placed a radar-controlled speed display sign along Route 770 (Minard Run Road) in Bradford Township, McKean County.
The sign faces eastbound traffic on Route 770, near the intersection with Foster Hollow Road. This area is posted with a speed limit of 55 miles per hour.
The speed display signs will remain on location for up to three weeks and will register the speeds of vehicles traveling along that section of roadway.
The speed display sign uses radar to determine the speeds of oncoming traffic. Those vehicle speeds are then posted on the lighted section of the sign. Above the speed display is a speed limit sign showing the posted speed limit for that section of Route 770.
PennDOT reminds motorists they can log on to 511pa.com or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions before heading out.
Follow PennDOT on Twitter at www.twitter.com/511PAStateCOLL.
The sign faces eastbound traffic on Route 770, near the intersection with Foster Hollow Road. This area is posted with a speed limit of 55 miles per hour.
The speed display signs will remain on location for up to three weeks and will register the speeds of vehicles traveling along that section of roadway.
The speed display sign uses radar to determine the speeds of oncoming traffic. Those vehicle speeds are then posted on the lighted section of the sign. Above the speed display is a speed limit sign showing the posted speed limit for that section of Route 770.
PennDOT reminds motorists they can log on to 511pa.com or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions before heading out.
Follow PennDOT on Twitter at www.twitter.com/511PAStateCOLL.
