Blood Bank Drops Thursday Hours
The Community Blood Bank is reducing the hours at the fixed site location in the BRMC Out Patient Lab, located at 24 Davis street Union Square in Bradford. The Community Blood Bank will no longer be open Thursdays for donors dues to staffing issues and lower donor turnout.
"As the only supplier of blood in Mc Kean County AND the lowest cost blood provider in the United States," said Dan Desrochers, Director of Marketing at the Community Blood Bank. "We have to be as efficient as possible with our limited resources."
The Community Blood Bank is located at 24 Davis Street in Union Square across from the Sports Café in the BRMC Laboratory. Hours every week: Saturdays 9am to 1pm. No appointment is necessary. Everyone over 17 is strongly encouraged to donate.
"As the only supplier of blood in Mc Kean County AND the lowest cost blood provider in the United States," said Dan Desrochers, Director of Marketing at the Community Blood Bank. "We have to be as efficient as possible with our limited resources."
The Community Blood Bank is located at 24 Davis Street in Union Square across from the Sports Café in the BRMC Laboratory. Hours every week: Saturdays 9am to 1pm. No appointment is necessary. Everyone over 17 is strongly encouraged to donate.
