BLT Holding 'Charlotte's Web' Auditions

Adults and students in grade 6 through 12 can try out for “Charlotte’s Web” in Duke Center on Tuesday (Aug. 30) and in Bradford on Wednesday (Aug. 31).

The first production of Bradford Little Theatre’s “Fun, Furious” 15th season will be mounted October 21, 22 and 23 at Otto-Eldred Junior-Senior High School in Duke Center. Tryouts on Aug. 30 will be held at the school from 6:30 to 8 p.m.; tryouts in Bradford will be held at Bradford Area Public Library on Aug. 31 from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

“We are hoping that having the show and tryouts in Duke Center will offer more opportunities for actors and techies in that area to take part in this children’s classic,” said director Nanci K. Garris. She noted about half of the rehearsals will also be at the Duke Center school.

Joseph Robinette’s adaptation of the tale about a friendship between Wilbur the pig and Charlotte the spider remained true to the spirit and intent of the original, said author E.B. White.

There are at least four roles for adults, but the show calls for younger performers to portray Wilbur, Charlotte and Fern. Garris hopes to cast teens as well for Templeton the Rat; Goose and Gander; Sheep and Lamb.

Onstage throughout the show is a trio of narrators who interact with each other, the actors and the audience; the narrators can be any age or gender.

Cindy Matteson, O-E librarian, will be stage manager and school liaison for the play. She and producer Diane Kerner Arnett are also seeking technical people interested in lighting and sound, set design, costume and makeup.

Garris can arrange some alternate tryout times for people who are interested in performing but who cannot attend the auditions.

Perusal scripts are available at the Bradford library and from Matteson at the school.

BLT president Garris, a Bradford resident, has directed other BLT shows with young cast members, including sold-out “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” and popular “A Christmas Story.” Like Garris, Smethport resident Matteson also has extensive and experience in bot BLT and school productions. Acting as assistant stage manager will be Carrie Russell of Smethport.

For more information, people may contact Garris or Matteson; visit the website at; or check the BLT Facebook page.


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