Detour Near Ormsby Next Week
Smethport – Starting Monday, Aug. 29, McKean County drivers will encounter road crews along Route 3011 near the village of Ormsby. Crews will be performing drainage work from Ormsby south for 2 ½ miles in Keating Township. Flaggers will be on site to enforce an alternating traffic pattern and short travel delays can be expected.
A detour will go into effect on Wednesday, Aug. 31, so that milling and paving work can take place. Southbound drivers will follow Route 59 east and Route 6 south before returning to Route 3011. Northbound drivers will follow Route 6 north and Route 59 west before returning to Route 3011. Signs will be in place to assist drivers on the detour.
This roadwork is expected to last through early September. Glenn O. Hawbaker, Inc. of State College is the contractor on this roadway improvement project. All work is weather dependent.
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