Traffic Advisory in Warren County
Traffic from Route 27 is currently being detoured through the Warren County Fairgrounds and PennDOT is urging pedestrians and motorists to use extra caution while the fair is being set up and in progress from Monday, Aug. 8, through Saturday, Aug. 13.
Pedestrians should be aware that the traffic detour will result in increased traffic at the fair this year. Motorists are urged to slow down and be especially alert while traveling through the fairgrounds.
“We hope everyone enjoys the Warren County Fair, but we are asking fairgoers to always keep safety in mind. We are asking motorists to be especially watchful for pedestrians approaching and crossing the roadways,” said Don Hall, assistant district executive for design in PennDOT’s District 1, which covers Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, Venango and Warren counties.
The detour is due to ongoing replacement work on the Route 27 bridge over Little Brokenstraw Creek in Pittsfield Township, Warren County. The detour uses Hickory Lane, Barton Road and Route 6. The bridge replacement project is scheduled for completion by the middle of October.
Pedestrians should be aware that the traffic detour will result in increased traffic at the fair this year. Motorists are urged to slow down and be especially alert while traveling through the fairgrounds.
“We hope everyone enjoys the Warren County Fair, but we are asking fairgoers to always keep safety in mind. We are asking motorists to be especially watchful for pedestrians approaching and crossing the roadways,” said Don Hall, assistant district executive for design in PennDOT’s District 1, which covers Crawford, Erie, Forest, Mercer, Venango and Warren counties.
The detour is due to ongoing replacement work on the Route 27 bridge over Little Brokenstraw Creek in Pittsfield Township, Warren County. The detour uses Hickory Lane, Barton Road and Route 6. The bridge replacement project is scheduled for completion by the middle of October.
