Bradford Airport Gets Grant Money
Bradford Regional Airport is getting $225,000 in state grant money to expand its security screening area.
In announcing $4 million in aviation grants today Governor Tom Corbett said, “Aviation provides nearly 5 percent of Pennsylvania’s jobs. Investing in these improvements and safety measures helps those thousands of people do their jobs better, and will improve airport operations.”
The grants are provided by PennDOT’s aviation development program, which gets money from the state’s jet fuel tax and leverages more than $1.3 million in local matching funds.
In announcing $4 million in aviation grants today Governor Tom Corbett said, “Aviation provides nearly 5 percent of Pennsylvania’s jobs. Investing in these improvements and safety measures helps those thousands of people do their jobs better, and will improve airport operations.”
The grants are provided by PennDOT’s aviation development program, which gets money from the state’s jet fuel tax and leverages more than $1.3 million in local matching funds.
