'Charlotte's Web' Cast Announced

The children’s classic by E.B. White adapted by Joseph Robinette will be performed at the Otto-Eldred Junior-Senior High School in Duke Center on Friday and Saturday October 21 and 22 at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee performance at 2 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 23.
Director Nanci K. Garris said, “We are excited to perform for the first time at O-E school, which boasts a beautiful 300-seat art deco auditorium and new atrium lobby. We believe the new location will enable more people to attend the show, since it is only 12 miles from Bradford and 13 miles from Olean, N.Y.”
The family-friendly show tells how little Fern Arable dotes on Wilbur, the runt of the spring pig litter. But once Fern persuades her father to spare Wilbur from the axe, Charlotte the spider turns her web-spinning skills to saving her piglet friend forever.
The narrator trio, all BLT veterans, will be Ann K. Dunkerton of Smethport and Bradford residents Michael L. McLanahan and Connie L. Shanks. McLanahan will also portray the Gander.
Cast as barnyard friends are Evie Russell of Smethport as Templeton the rat; Michelle Wymer of Eldred as Goose; and Mandi J. Droney of Bradford and Josie Simora of Duke Center as Sheep and Lamb, respectively.
Fern’s parents will be played by Owen M. Russell of Smethport and Olivia M. Keltz of Bradford; Fern’s sister Avery will be Rachel E. Close of Bradford. Aunt and Uncle Homer and Edith Zuckerman will be portrayed by Zack Murphy of Duke Center and Kelsey L. Hoover of Bradford. Hired hand Lurvy will be Chelsea Hurrle of Eldred.
Rounding out the group will be Jeri Simora of Duke Center as Uncle and Announcer, with Alice M. Smith of Derrick City as reporter and judge. Baby spiders will include Heaven Moyer of Eldred.
The crew includes producer Diane Kerner Arnett of Bradford, and stage manager Cindy Matteson and assistant stage manager Carrie Russell, both of Smethport.
Advance tickets may be purchased in advance at $9 each. At the door, tickets for adults will cost one dollar more. A discount is available for groups of ten or more through the ticketmaster on the website at www.bradfordlittletheatre.org.
Outlets will include sites in Bradford, Duke Center, Port Allegany, Smethport and Eldred.
For more information, people may check the BLT website or Facebook page.
