Kane Community Hospital Among
'Most Wired' Hospitals in the Nation

Kane Community Hospital is among only 154 organizations (both large and small) to make this year's Most Wired list.
For the 13th year, Hospitals & Health Networks has named the "Most Wired" hospitals and health systems, based on the "Most Wired" Survey.
The 2011 survey results continue to build on the new analytic structure that was implemented in 2010 after two years of redesign. This year, many additional requirements corresponded to meaningful use criteria, although they were not as stringent as federal meaningful use requirements.
Hospitals and health systems are assessed based on progress in adoption, implementation and use of information technology in four critical areas: infrastructure, business and administrative management, clinical quality and safety, and care continuum. The new methodology used to select "Most Wired" facilities sets specific requirements in each of the four focus areas.
If any of these requirements are not met, the organization does not achieve the "Most Wired" designation. Thus, an organization may have many advanced capabilities in the four areas and not achieve "Most Wired" status.
Respondents may complete the survey for an individual hospital or for a health system. Health system respondent are asked to provide estimates of the system wide averages for each question. The survey is in the field from Jan. 15 to March 15. Responses reflect technologies fully implemented as of March 1, 2011.
This year, 530 hospitals and health systems completed the survey, representing 1,388 hospitals, roughly 24 % of all U.S. Hospitals. Even with additional requirements, the number of hospitals and health systems designed as "Most Wired" increased to 154 organizations. Along with the "Most Wired, H&GHN uses the results to name the 25 Most improved and the 25 Most Wired Small and Rural.
In year's past KCH had been named "Most Wired Small and Rural Hospital" in 2003, 2004, and 2006 but this year KCH was reviewed and named Most Wired among all hospitals. Although one of the smallest hospitals in the nation, this year's recognition was among hospitals of all sizes.
The winners were recognized for their accomplishments at the 2011 Health Forum and the American Hospital Association Leadership Summit in July in San Diego.
KCH is an affiliate of UPMC Hamot.
Pictured, Margaret Twidale, IT Senior Manager; J. Gary Rhodes, VP of UPMC Hamot and KCH CEO, and Dino Cherry, IT posing with their latest "Most Wired" hospital acknowledgment. KCH was one of only 154 organizations (both large and small) to make this year's Most Wired list.
Courtesy of Kane Community Hospital
