Allen Named Outstanding PSP Cadet
91 men and women graduated today.
Referring to the recent severe storms and floods in central and eastern Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Corbett told the new troopers, "You are part of a proud tradition, made prouder still just a month ago by the heroism of the men and women whose ranks you join today.”
“This force has a record for honesty, for straight dealing, for bringing honor to our state,’’ Corbett said. “I salute your willingness to take on this calling and I can tell you this office will always be here to take the cause of our bravest.’’
Among the graduating cadets was Pawlowski’s son, Francis J. Pawloski. As the new troopers received their badges, the retired commissioner, whose father was also a Pennsylvania State Police trooper, made the presentation to his son.
Cadet Antwjuan M. Cox, of Uniontown, Fayette County, spoke on behalf of the
cadet class. Allen, of Bradford received the American Legion Award. Also receiving awards were:
Cadet Nicholas Scrivani, of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County– Daniel F. Dunn High Scholastic Award; · Cadet Ryan R. Goodling, of Middletown, Dauphin County – Charles B. Gesford High Pistol Award; · Cadet William D. Davis III of Muncy, Lycoming County – Col. Paul J. Chylak Memorial Driver Proficiency Award; and · Cadet Ryan C. Seiple, of Nazareth, Northampton County – John K. Schafer Memorial Physical Fitness Award.
Also graduting today were Timothy W. Mix of Mount Jewett, McKean County; Joseph A. Gerg of Kersey, Elk County; Terry H. Clark Jr. of Watson, Jefferson County; Michael C. Gray of West Decatur, Clearfield County; Daniel J. Kozak of Osceola Mills, Clearfield County; and Joel R. Miles of Glen Hope, Clearfield County.
Photos provided by Commonwealth Media Services
