Articulation Agreements Ease
Transition from JCC to St. Bonaventure

“We’re thrilled to build on our longstanding relationships with JCC,” said Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., president of St. Bonaventure University. “With these agreements, students at JCC can have a clear understanding of what they need to do at JCC to ensure a smooth transition to the university and also ensuring they graduate on time.”
The articulation agreements spell out the policies by which St. Bonaventure awards transfer credits and are specific about course equivalencies. Students who follow the articulation agreements should be able to complete undergraduate degrees in four semesters, assuming they enroll full time and take normal course loads.
“Part of the ‘JCC Promise’ is connecting students to their goals,” said JCC President Gregory T. DeCinque. “Our strong articulation agreements with St. Bonaventure are indicators of our ability to prepare students to continue their studies toward bachelor’s degrees at upper-division institutions.”
Articulation agreements for programs include: accounting, biology, biochemistry, business information systems, chemistry, computer science, English, environmental sciences, history, journalism and mass communication, management sciences, marketing, mathematics, modern languages, physics, political science, psychology (BA and BS) and sociology.
“These agreements demonstrate our commitment to serving transfer students exceptionally well,” said Kate Dillon Hogan, associate vice president for enrollment at St. Bonaventure. “We are in the process of completing similar agreements with three other community colleges in Western New York.”
Copies of the agreements are available on the web at
Pictured, JCC President Gregory T. DeCinque (front, from left) and St. Bonaventure President Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., sign agreements between the schools. Also pictured are Dr. Marilyn Zagora, vice president and dean of Academic Affairs at JCC and Dr. Michael Fischer, provost and vice president for Academic Affairs at SBU.
