First Lady Hosts Decorating Contest

The children, grades K-5 attend the after-school program at the Neighborhood Center of the United Methodist Church. The Center is located just a few blocks from the Governor's Residence in Harrisburg. It has been serving the Harrisburg community since 1910.
The State Dining Room was transformed into an art studio, with pumpkins, paints, glitter, and other decorating supplies. The children competed for scariest, most creative and funniest pumpkin. Art instructors from A.C. Moore donated their time to help the kids.
All the pumpkins and art supplies were donated. The kids even went home with goody bags filled with healthy snacks, fruits and cookies.
Pictured, Corbett watches Quamere Dorsey, 4 years old, left, and Brian Wallace, 5 years old, right decorate their pumpkins
Provided by Commonwealth Media Services
