BLT Moving to Main Street Store Front

“We are excited to be moving into a bigger space that will not only house our offices, but meet our need for rehearsal, tryout and construction space,” said BLT president Nanci K. Garris.
“Our new space offers first-floor access and a dynamic downtown presence,” said Garris. “It should eliminate the need to rent rehearsal and tryout space as we have in the past. Also, we should be able to do basic set and prop construction in the rear – an option we have never had before.”
“The board examined this move carefully to ensure financial feasibility, and believe that the site will not cost our non-profit organization any more than is currently spent for rehearsal and meeting space.”
“We are excited about the possibility of using the space to be part of downtown activities as well,” she said, noting the two large display windows in the front of the site.
Currently, the BLT office is on the third floor of the former Forest Oil building on Main Street.
The new location, owned by John Kohler, most recently housed a store selling tobacco-related products.
Garris explained that the move will occur in stages over the next several weeks, and be complete by the end of the year.

Now celebrating its 15th season, BLT promotes, encourages, and produces community-based theatre in the Bradford area. By making theatre available and accessible to the public, BLT provides opportunities for community participation, appreciation and education, thus enriching the community and increasing interest in the arts. An award-winning theatre company, BLT is a member of the American Association of Community Theatres and a founding member of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Theatres.
