United Way Surpasses Goal
“We are so proud and appreciative of the Bradford community for stepping in to achieve this goal,” says Executive Director Megan Minich. “We are ecstatic with the total raised during this campaign season. More importantly, we’re grateful for the amount of good these dollars can do and the lives we can change through our partner agencies with the money entrusted to us.”
Board President Vonda Reese added that “We could not achieve this kind of success without the hard work and dedication of numerous volunteers. On behalf of the Board of Directors, we would like to thank campaign co-chairs Christine Minich, Karen Costello-Pecht, and Steve Cottillion for their enthusiasm and commitment to United Way and this year’s appeal process.
In addition to this year’s campaign leadership, we are extremely grateful to our “Speaker’s Bureau” of agency representatives that helped with employee presentations and were extremely effective in telling the story of how United Way funding changes lives in the Bradford area.
Division leaders of this year’s campaign include Brent Raabe, Kelly Platko, Lisa Minich, Nellie Wallace, Mark Hollenbeck, Debbie Huston, and Kathy Zapel.
For questions regarding campaign 2011, “Live United and Lend a Helping Hand,” please contact the United Way office at 814-368-6181 or visit www.uwbanews.org.