Gabler Calls for Moratorium on Injection Wells; Asks for Further Examination

State Representative Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) is backing legislation that would place a two-year moratorium on the drilling of any new wells used for disposal of oil and gas waste. He is also calling for the prevention of any new wells drilled after Jan. 1 of this year from accepting any oil or gas waste during the moratorium.

“My primary concern is the safety of our citizens, and in particular, the residents of Brady Township, where there is talk of constructing a new injection well.” Gabler said. “We need to make sure the Federal government and our state Department of Environmental Protection are ‘on the same page,’ in order to ensure that our citizens and our water supplies are protected.”

The bill would require new injection wells to maintain setbacks from private and public water supplies, trout streams and High Quality/Exceptional Value waterways.

“I believe this is a very responsible step to take,” added Gabler. “Recent cases in Ohio have provoked discussion on this topic, and we need to pause and closely examine the process to make sure new wells do not place Pennsylvanians at risk or damage our infrastructure. Under this legislation, our job creators and energy producers will continue to recycle and treat wastewater, and will still have existing sites available for disposal activities. Furthermore, I believe that the future success of the industry will be dependent upon recycling and treatment of wastewater, rather than the deep injection of these fluids.”

More information on this or any other legislative topic may be obtained by contacting Gabler through his website,

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