Governor Corbett Visits Punxsutawney

“What started as a small gathering in 1887 has now evolved into tens of thousands of visitors from around the nation and even the world coming to Punxsutawney to participate in this time-honored Groundhog Day tradition,” Corbett said.
“Regardless of whether Phil predicts an extended winter or early spring, tourists will have plenty of recreational opportunities in Pennsylvania to choose from in the coming weeks.”

Thousands watched as Phil made his highly anticipated weather prognostication, commemorating 126 years of Pennsylvania’s unique Groundhog Day tradition.
According to holiday folklore, if the groundhog emerges in the early morning on Feb. 2 and does not see his shadow, there will be an early spring. If he sees his shadow, six more weeks of winter weather are expected. The annual event, started with a small group of men known as the Inner Circle, now attracts up to 30,000 visitors to Punxsutawney, located 80 miles northeast of Pittsburgh.
“As many of you I am sure found out, getting a hotel room within 100 miles of Gobbler’s Knob is next to impossible this week,” Corbett said. “The economic impact of this multi-day event is tremendous. On average, visitors spend an estimated $200 per day on lodging, food, gas and souvenirs while visiting Punxsutawney during Groundhog Day. ”
Pictured, Punxsutawney Phil's Inner Circle President Bill Deeley names Governor Tom Corbett an honorary member of the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Wednesday night at the annual banquet while Inner Circle Vice President Mike Johnston looks on; Johnston reads Phil's proclamation.
Photos provided by Commonwealth Media Services