Governor Unveils 2012-13 Budget

“Last year, we accomplished much of real consequence. For the first time in 40 years, we spent less,’’ Corbett said. “Pennsylvania took its first steps toward changing the culture of tax and spend. Together, we showed we can make reforms that count. It is time to show citizens, weary of empty promises…that we can accomplish more.
“Today I bring before you a budget grounded in difficult realities but framed in the optimism that we are solving our problems,’’ Corbett said. “Once again, revenues do not match mandated, escalating costs. That means we must continue the course bravely charted by this assembly in the year just passed.’’
The $27.14 billion proposal maintains Corbett’s commitment to balance the state budget. The budget closes a projected revenue shortfall of more than $700 million and reduces spending by more than $20 million. It meets the state’s pension obligations and does not raise taxes for residents or businesses.
“Every dollar taken in tax is one less dollar in the hands of a job-holder or a jobcreator,’’ Corbett said. “We will not spend more than we have. We will not raise taxes. We can’t ask people to travel the road to recovery and then turn around and add to the burden they must carry along the way.’’
Most importantly, this year’s budget begins to transform the way government delivers products and services through greater use of block grants giving greater control and flexibility to the recipients, including local governments, community organizations and school districts.
The proposed budget focuses on five key areas: economic opportunities, education, human services, public safety and streamlining government.
For more on this story go here.
Photo of Corbett, Speaker of the House Sam Smith and Lt. Governor Jim Cawley courtesy of Commonwealth Media Services.