Poet Marie Howe to Read at Pitt-Bradford

Howe will read at noon Thursday, March 29, in the Mukaiyama University Room of the Frame-Westerberg Commons. A luncheon will be served at 11:30 a.m. The lunch and reading are both free and open to the public. The event is part of the university’s Spectrum series.
Howe is the author of three volumes of poetry, “The Kingdom of Ordinary Time,” “The Good Thief” and “What the Living Do,” written after the loss of her brother John to AIDS. She is also the co-editor of a book of essays, “In the Company of my Solitude: American Writing from the AIDS Pandemic.”
She has been selected for a Lavan Younger Poets Prize from the American Academy of Poets and Guggenheim and NEA fellowships. Her poems have also appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, Harvard Review and The Partisan Review. Last fall, she was featured in an interview by Terry Gross on National Public Radio’s “Fresh Air.”
Howe teaches creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College, Columbia and New York University. She lives in New York with her daughter.
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