Last Call for KARE for Kane Volunteers

KARE for Kane, scheduled for Friday, May 11, 2012 from 9AM-7PM will match volunteers with beautification, restoration and other community-based projects. Volunteers will have the opportunity to sign up for a specific block of time during the day to work on projects that best suit individual needs and interests.
Some of the projects include Evergreen Park cleanup, painting, sidewalk sweeping, landscaping, window washing, and liter pick up along our community’s gateways. We are also in need of volunteers with pick-up trucks to assist with scrap metal and old appliance pick up.
Volunteer registration forms are available at the Kane Area Development Center, 54 Fraley Street in Kane. You can also download the form from the following website:
Forms can be mailed or hand delivered to 54 Fraley Street, Kane, PA 16735. You can also fax completed forms to 814-837-8257 or e-mail them to
Projects will also be available for walk-ins. T-shirts and lunch may be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
KARE for Kane would not be possible without the support of the following sponsors and partners: ARG Resources, CNB Bank, Highlander Energy, It’s Judi’s Place, McKean County Conservation District, Kane Area Fire Department, Kane Borough, Kane Area School District, Kane Eagles, Kane Liquid Fuels, Kane Lumber & Fuel, Katy Realty, Kane Rotary, Keep PA Beautiful, Peterson Refrigeration, Printing Plus, Richgas, Segel & Son, SMP Pharmacy and Zook Motors. KADC and KARE would also like to extend a big thank you to Dan Dore, who repaired the blocks on the “wall” on Fraley Street. The wall will be primed and ready for paint on Friday, May 11th.