SBU Lauds Employees for Years of Service

Individuals with 10 years of service and up were recognized, with those reaching 25 years of service and retirees receiving special recognition.
Those recognized for 25 years of service were: Michael Polasik (Facilities); Patricia L. Shumway (Business and Finance); Carl Veno (Friary); Allen H. Weber, O.F.M., Ph.D. (School of Education); and Robert Worthington (Facilities).
Michael Polasik started at St. Bonaventure in September of 1987 as a member of the university grounds crew. Two years later, he assumed his current position within the facilities department as automotive technician. This one-person department is responsible for more than 70 university-owned registered vehicles. In addition to vehicle registrations, inspections, and repairs, Polasik oversees grounds equipment repairs and assists with mechanical equipment repairs of other work groups.
Outside of work, Polasik is a motorcycle enthusiast. In addition to riding, he restores and shows motorcycles and has won numerous awards with his showpieces. He is an active member of the Sons of the American Legion in Olean. He and his wife live in Olean.
Patricia L. Shumway joined the Business Office at St. Bonaventure in March of 1987 as a staff accountant. In 1996, she was promoted to her current position as senior accountant.
Shumway graduated summa cum laude with her bachelor’s degree in accounting from St. Bonaventure in 2003. She was honored with theInstitute of Management Accountants Award.
At St. Bonaventure, Shumway is responsible for the accounting on all University investments. This includes monitoring the income and expenses on more than 300 endowed scholarships and programs. She is also responsible for the accounting for all University grants and communicating with federal, state and private agencies. In March 2003, she completed the Management Concepts Grants Management Certificate Program, earning the designation Certified Grants Administrator.
Shumway also supervises a staff of three employees and plays a key role in the preparation of the University’s financial statements.
She previously served on the University’s Finance and Investment Committees as well as an Advisory Board member for the Journey Project as funded through the Lilly Endowment, Inc. She is a member of the Institute of Management Accountants.
In December 2009, Shumway graduated from Leadership Cattaraugus. Participants in Leadership Cattaraugus commit to a 10-month schedule of monthly daylong sessions focusing on a wide range of topics. Leadership Cattaraugus is designed to identify future leaders of the area and help them develop the skills they will need to work more effectively for the betterment of all the people in Cattaraugus County.
Outside of St. Bonaventure, Shumway volunteers with the Olean Area Learn to Skate program. She lives in Olean with her husband, Elden, and their daughter, Megan.
Carl Venostarted working at St. Bonaventure in August 1987 at Shay-Loughlen halls.
On May 1, 1989, he was appointed custodian of the St. Bonaventure Friary, where he has worked ever since.
An Olean native, Veno graduated from Olean High School.
He moved to Cortland, N.Y., in 1969, where he met and married his wife of almost 42 years, Sharon Contento Veno. She worked in the Hickey Dining Hall for 15 years.
While in Cortland, Veno worked for several years at Newton Line Co. and then in the maintenance department of Homer Central School until he and Sharon moved back to Olean in 1978.
The Venos have two sons, Carl “P.J.” Veno, who is employed in the university’s Housekeeping Department, and Daniel F. Veno, who drives for UPS.
Allen H. Weber,O.F.M., Ph.D., is an associate professor of education who teaches in the university’s graduate Counselor Education program as well as in Clare College.
In addition to serving as a member of the faculty for the past 25 years, Fr. Allen was on staff in the university Counseling Center from 1987 to 1991.
A member of a number of university committees during his tenure, Fr. Allen has served for 12 years on the Faculty Senate, where he chaired the Academic Standards Committee. He also served as a member of theGraduate Council, the Board of Trustees Academic Standards Committee, and the Special Committee for Health and Safety Resources. He presently serves on the Finance Committee of the Faculty Senate.
Fr. Allen’s research interests include spirituality and counseling, group dynamics, teaching strategies, counseling theories, and human development.
Fr. Allen did his undergraduate work at Seton Hall University and earned his Bachelor of Sacred Theology from Catholic University in Washington, D.C. He holds master’s degrees in religious education from Fordham University and school and community psychology from Seton Hall, and a Ph.D. in counseling from Catholic University.
In addition to work in the classroom, Fr. Allen is a member of the Archbishop Walsh and Southern Tier Boards of Education, as well as provides pastoral service to local Catholic churches. He is a minister in residence to students on the second floor of Robinson Hall.
Robert Worthington of Cuba joined the university community in 1987 on staff at St. BonaventureCemetery. He later would be brought down to campus on the yard crews as a groundskeeper. For the past 12 years, Worthington has worked in the university’s carpenter shop.
A 1971 business major graduate of Oswayo Valley High School, Worthington worked in the machinist field at AVX Ceramics from 1971 to 1976. From 1977 to 1980, he was employed at Clair Polishing. He also worked at Reiss Game Farm as a groundskeeper and carpenter.
Worthington has three children. His daughter Kay works for Head Start; son, Brent, class of 2000, works for Booz, Allen & Hamilton in Baltimore, Md.; and daughter Jan, class of 2001, is a third-grade teacher at Cuba Elementary School. He also has six grandchildren he loves spending time with.
In his spare time, Worthington enjoys riding his motorcycle and hunting.
Other employees marking anniversary years include:
45 years of service: Philip Eberl (School of Education)
35 years of service: Jean Trevarton Ehman (Teaching and Learning Center), Carol Higley (Center for Activities, Recreation and Leadership), Zahid Khairullah (Management Sciences), Brian McAllister (Accounting)
30 years of service: Mary Jane Baxter (Library), Mary Jane Telford (Admissions), Ann Tenglund (Library)
20 years of service: Irene Colomaio (Registrar’s Office), Mary Driscoll (University Advancement), Sean McNamee (Athletics), Barbara Questa (Athletics), Richard Root (Facilities / Maintenance), Br. Basil Valente, O.F.M. (Journalism / Mass Communication)
15 years of service: Sr. Margaret Carney, O.S.F., (President), Carl Case (Management Sciences), Cheryl DeBoy (Athletics), Monica Emery (Admissions),Robert Keenan (University Advancement), James Mahar (Finance), Deborah Mooney (Faith Formation, Worship and Ministry), Frederick Petruzzi (Facilities / Maintenance), Kathleen Premo (Management Sciences), Karen Robbins (History), Lucia Scotty (University Advancement), Diane Walker (University Advancement), Russell Woodruff (Philosophy), Joseph Zimmer (School of Education)
10 years of service: Margaret Adamitis (Athletics), Robert Donius (Academic Affairs), Julie Hall (School of Education), Tony Hoch (Facilities / Maintenance), Joseph LoSchiavo (Quick Center for the Arts), Constance Pierce (Visual and Performing Arts), Nancy Schultz (Library), Ed. Simone (Visual and Performing Arts), Lorraine Smith (Business and Finance), Arlene Thurston (Technology Services), Susan van der Horst (Financial Aid), Jenny Wardhaugh (Facilities / Housekeeping), Barbara White (Quick Center for the Arts), Paul Wieland (Journalism / Mass Communication), Kimberly Young (Management Sciences), Kayla Zimmer (Undergraduate Teacher Education)
Retirees: John Hanchette (Journalism / Mass Communication), James Moor (Political Science), Sandra Mulryan (English)